
Certificate Program Accreditation Overview

Accreditation for school Certification Bodies

Make Your Certificate Mean More… to Potential Students, to Certificate Holders, to Employers, and to Regulators
In the Cognia Certificate Accreditation program, GESglobal, assesses and accredits certificate programs as conforming to the requirements of Cognia and the accreditation standard.

GESglobal conducts an assessment of an organization’s certificate program to determine compliance with the accreditation standard, which contains requirements for a certificate program attesting to (among other requirements) an instructional design plan, valid and reliable assessment of intended learning outcomes, a passing standard established through a criterion-referenced method, and a system to monitor and manage the use of the certificate. The accreditation standard also sets forth requirements related to the certificate program’s organizational structure and administration, management (including required policies and procedures), records and document control systems. Organizations that participate in Cognia will develop or increase their understanding of the accreditation standard’s requirements, and through such understanding, continually improve their organizations.

Two basic types of

educational accreditations:

An institutional accreditation normally applies to an entire institution, and indicates that each entity of a school contributes to the achievement of the school’s objectives. This does not necessarily mean that all parts of the school have the same quality level of education.

A specialized/programmatic accreditation normally applies to the evaluation of specified programs, departments or small entities within the larger institution. A unit receiving a specialized accreditation could be as large as a college within a university system, or as small as a curriculum within a specified program of study. However, some vocational schools that are not connected to a larger system may receive specialized accreditations that apply to the entire school.



The purpose of GESglobal Certification is to strengthen schools by credentialing educators who meet established professional and biblical requirements. Cognia Certification promotes continued professional learning and increased effectiveness. Establishing and maintaining the certification of staff and administration is an essential step toward professional credibility and growth. Education is a process. Just as we encourage our students to grow and become life–long learners, we want to set the same example as their teachers and leaders.

GES global certification establishes a framework for professional growth to occur over time, just like continuous school improvement.

Hassan Abdin